Special manufactures furniture for shops
Integrated solutions of excellent quality in your area
WESTAND S.A. belongs to the elite
WESTAND S.A. belongs to the elite of special commercial furniture construction companies. We design and construct stands for the biggest cosmetics companies not only in Greece, but in other countries as well.
Always a pioneer
WESTAND S.A., always a pioneer, follows the developments, the trends and the needs of any modern company facing any challenge as far as designing is concerned.
Our target!
We guarantee best construction quality, modern equipment, selected and proficient personnel, full customer service, consistent deliveries and competitive prices.


The initial action of WESTAND S.A. since the determination of the customer's needs is the identification of the premises where the installation of the construction will take place.
WESTAND S.A. has recruited a designing – creative department of experienced Decorators, Graphic Designers, Structural Engineers, Product and Systems Design Engineers offering integrated solutions meeting even the most demanding customers' wishes.
The designing stage is followed by the construction of the furniture. WESTAND S.A. has recruited technical specialists for the fast and efficient construction of any furniture.
WESTAND S.A. is focusing on supporting the product from the initial stage of the idea until the moment of the delivery to the customer. Therefore we give emphasis to the final stage of services offered including the safe transportation and installation of the products.
The services offered by WESTAND S.A. do not stop with the delivery of the furniture. We continue offering our services throughout the usage of the product as well. No matter where or when, the specialised personnel of our company is willing to face any problem.
Our services
We offer a high level of service
thanks to years of experience of our specialized personnel
Corporate Social Responsibility
In Westand SA, in the context of sustainability and social diligence, we have developed a Corporate Social Responsibility program that promotes and supports with responsibility and sensitivity the optimization of the social and environmental impact of the company's operation.

Our Latest News

  • All our news
  • INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE In WeStand Kassos K. Store Furniture SA we are committed to working so as to protect the environment with every action and at all stages of the production of our products. We consider the development of a company to be intertwined with both the long-term protection of the planet and biodiversity, as well as respect for...
  • INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE For the company WeStand Kassos K. Store Furniture SA employees are the cornerstone of its success and continuous upward trajectory. The company's obligation is to create a dynamic and inspiring work environment, to inspire a sense of security in its employees and to provide with the assurance that in this workplace they...
  • SCOPE Business ethics is the foundation for company WeStand SA and thus obtained success and constant of upward course.
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